Meet Mitchee:

Enabling smart, efficient en healthy homes.

In collaboration with housing providers and local authorities across the UK, Mitchee will be visiting communities, inviting social housing residents to come aboard and understand more about how Switchee can help them.
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Switchee Mitchee

Meet Mitchee! Switchee's bewoner education van.

At various community & bewoner engagement events across the UK, Mitchee will demonstrate how residents can optimise their energy usage with a Switchee device installed. Additionally, residents will learn how Switchee supports their housing provider to deliver healthier, mould-free homes and contributes to retrofitting efforts for a sustainable, Net Zero future. Mitchee, a fully electric education van designed to resemble a comfortable home environment, comes fully equipped with demo Switchee devices and education material.

To partner with Mitchee on your project, speak to your Customer Success Manager.
Book Mitchee


“Switchee's mission is to improve the quality of life for people living in rented homes. To help us achieve that goal, we really need to understand residents and their pain points. Ultimately it's all about enabling smart, efficient and healthy homes.”

Jess Prevost, Marketing Director

Would you like Mitchee to attend your next event?

Enter your details below and your Customer Success Manager will be in touch to discuss Switchee Mitchee logistics. If you are not yet a Switchee customer, contact us via the web form and our Sales team will be in touch.

If you would like more information on Mitchee availability, you can also email us on [email protected].
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Switchee verbetert de leefbaarheid voor mensen die in huurwoningen wonen.
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+44(0)800 133 7957
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