Switched on: Riverside wins Energy Efficiency Award

May 2, 2023

We’re really pleased to announce our partnership with Riverside has won the top award at the North West Energy Efficiency Awards.

The awards celebrate energy efficiency schemes and encourages best practice within the energy and housing sectors.

Riverside won the Regional Vulnerable Customer Support Organisation of the Year award, for showing a commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable people through energy efficiency.

The project 

In 2021, Riverside launched a project to install 450 Switchee’s in properties in the North and Liverpool City Region. The project continues with a further 1,500 planned to be installed over the next year.

The award celebrates our partnership with Riverside and in particular the joint work between Switchee’s Customer Success team and Riverside’s Affordable Warmth team. Over the last 6 months, by turning Switchee real-time data into practical, actionable insights the teams have been proactively identifying and supporting customers at risk of fuel poverty. 

This has been a huge step forward for the team, moving away from reactive support to ensuring those who are most in need get the help they need including food and fuel vouchers. In 2021 alone Riverside’s Affordable Warmth team provided £99,288 in support to customers.

Tom Robins, Switchee’s CEO commented: “With energy prices set to rise again in October, this winter is going to be challenging for everyone. Sadly more people will struggle to make ends meet and the scale of the situation keeps me awake at night. I am therefore delighted for the collaboration between Switchee and Riverside to be recognised. It is a fantastic example of businesses coming together to help everyone through these times of crisis. We are delighted to be working with Riverside and it remains our mission to continue to improve the quality of life of those living in rented homes”. 

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