Simplifying Switchee Installations: Introducing the Switchee Trusted Installer Network

June 2, 2023

Switchee understands the challenges involved in planning and executing installation projects. Limited time and resources often hinder the progress of crucial projects, making the process complex and overwhelming for both landlords and residents. In response to this industry-wide need for streamlined installation services, we are proud to announce the launch of the Switchee Trusted Installer Network.

The Switchee Trusted Installer Network (STIN) is designed to oversee the entire installation process of Switchee devices from start to finish. We understand that finding the right installers who can deliver the highest standards of quality, adhere to tight schedules, and stay within budget can be a daunting task. With our network of trusted professionals, we aim to alleviate this burden and provide a seamless installation experience for our customers.

Key features of the Switchee Trusted Installer Network:

Nationwide coverage: Our network covers 98% of the United Kingdom, ensuring that no matter where your project is located, we can connect you with a skilled installer in your area.

Industry certification: All installers in our network are approved by recognised industry bodies, including NICEIC and Trustmark. This ensures that every installation is carried out by qualified professionals who meet the highest standards of competence and compliance.

Comprehensive management: We take care of every aspect of the Switchee installation process, from initial planning to final implementation. Our dedicated team will assess your project requirements, tender on your behalf, and recommend the most suitable installer, and oversee the entire process to ensure successful completion.

Switchee-trained experts: Our network comprises of installers who have received specialised training from Switchee. This ensures that they possess an in-depth understanding of our products, allowing for efficient and accurate installations that maximise the benefits of our smart home solutions.

At Switchee, we believe that seamless installations are essential to the success of any project. By leveraging the Switchee Trusted Installer Network, you can have confidence in knowing that your Switchee devices will be installed to the highest standards, on time, and within budget. 

For more information about the Switchee Trusted Installer Network and how it can benefit your project, please contact your account manager today or email [email protected].

Download more information on the Switchee Trusted Installer Network

Learn more about how Platform Housing Group have worked with the Switchee Trusted Installer Network.

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